Goalkeeper Gloves Need Balm
Football/Soccer/Gaelic goalkeeping gloves need balm.

You’ve been buying gloves too often.
Spitting on your gloves adds moisture and seals the pores to create suction, which is interpreted as “GRIP”. However, saliva contains salt, which actually dries latex out… which requires you to spit on your gloves more.
KEEPER BALM does a better job than spit and keeps your gloves from ever drying out.
Applying KEEPER BALM® to your new goalkeeper gloves ensures that you’ll have exceptional grip, for the life of your gloves. It’s a proven fact that your goalkeeping glove latex will dry out when minerals from dirt and sweat (salt) fill the pores. KEEPER BALM keeps your gloves gripping like new, indefinitely.
Just wash, dry & apply.

I recently came across an old (~4yo) stick of keeper balm that still had just a bit left in it. I thought I’d give it a go on an old pair of Uhlsports (~3yo). One light application of keeper balm and they were back to their “as new” grip and I was stunned. They had almost no grip (I used them as training/warm up gloves) and they were instantly returned to a match ready state, so I used them in my next match and they didn’t let me down. I had completely forgotten the effectiveness of keeper balm, safe to say I immediately bought another stick and now I have 3 pairs of gloves that are all basically brand new in terms of grip. I highly recommend.
Hate buying new gloves?
Then DON’T.
If you’re a competitive goalkeeper, then you probably buy new goalkeeper gloves as soon as your previous set stop performing like new. For some goalkeepers, that’s as often as every couple of weeks.
KEEPER BALM keeps your gloves gripping like new for the life of your gloves. Following the wash, dry and apply method means that the grip on your gloves will be as-good-as or BETTER THAN NEW, until the palm is worn off of your gloves.

Exceptional grip, forever.
Applying KEEPER BALM to your goalkeeper gloves ensures exceptional grip, for the life of your gloves. Glove latex will dry out when salt and other minerals from sweat & dirt fill the pores. KEEPER BALM keeps your gloves gripping like new, indefinitely. Just wash, dry & apply.
A Magic Formula
KEEPER BALM is a mixture of all-natural oils and waxes that enhance the natural performance of your latex foam goalkeeper gloves. That means that you don’t need to spit on them or wet them to activate their performance.
Another added benefit is that your gloves will stink less and last longer, because there will be less bacteria living in them. 😉

“This stuff Is amazing. Follow the directions, and always use on clean gloves. You won’t be disappointed.
New glove tackiness forever!”
A great add on to your GK Arsenal.
35246 US Hwy 19 N
PMB 187
Palm Harbor, Florida 34689